January 26, 2009

Perkins Twins

There is nothing cuter than an adorable set of twins. This is Collin and Grace who were fifteen months old before Christmas. They were a little camera shy at first, but after a good nap they were good to go. As you can see they do a lot of the same things especially wanting to take their shoes off at the same time. Their parents Suzie and Scott were also wonderful to work with at their beautiful home. Sometimes it's more of a workout for parents to make their children smile. As you can see though, it's always well worth it.
sweet Grace giving us a big smile

handsome big brother Collin

just chillin' and relaxin' together

what beautiful kids! of course, they are laughing at their parents
who are making them smile
Thank you Suzie and Scott for inviting me into your home. They are great kids and are lucky to have you as parents too!