July 15, 2009

Lauren turns One !!

Happy First Birthday Lauren! Wow! I can't believe my niece is already one years old. A year really goes by fast especially for little ones. Ryan and Kate asked me to take her one-year old pictures and I was thrilled to.

She woke up from her nap and got into her pretty white dress. Not fussy but just wanted mom and dad nearby at all times.She did give me a few hopeful smiles from the start.

Little Einsteins birthday cake!

I really think she was in awe of cake. Look at her face!

We went to the park and picked some flowers.

And she posed a little

What a pretty face!

She did get happy

But in the end just needed to be held by mom and dad

...and a few kisses also helped.

Thanks Kate, Ryan, and Lauren for letting me be a part of your special day!

Oh and I almost forgot. Her favorite puppy wants to wish her a happy birthday too!!