September 30, 2009

Beautiful little Cameryn

Cameryn just turned one! Happy Birthday to the sweetest baby! We went to her first birthday party this weekend. She had a lovely party in the park with sweets and kids and lots of presents. She was such a good baby and never complained and only enjoyed herself. You can tell she is well loved because she's such a happy little girl

she wore her special birthday hat with pride and a terrific smile

look at her beautiful blue eyes

she wanted to play a little bean bag toss

grandma made her climb a tree for this cute pose

she loved her smash cake

this adorable hat and poncho was knitted for her

and when she was done opening the gifts...she tried a little bit of the wrapper to test and see if it tasted just as good as it looked!

Thanks Michelle, Jason, and Peggy for inviting us to celebrate this important milestone. We had a great time and loved just watching Cameryn. We love her smile and look forward to watching her grow up.