April 23, 2010


Jeannine and Joel's daughter, Taylor, has grown up. And boy is she gorgeous! Taylor is graduating from eighth grade this May and starting Plainfield North High School in the fall. She is a smart and athletic girl who loves to play basketball. She was chosen to play abroad, in Austria, this summer with an international league of young girl basketball players. How exciting for her! And I know she's thrilled about that.
Her pictures came out beautiful because she's so photogenic. Maybe modeling could be in her future...I definitely think so.

Taylor is as pretty as her mom.

Thanks Taylor for being a great sport and working the many different places and poses I made you do. I know your parents are proud of you and all you do. I think they just want to show everyone else their beautiful girl.
Thanks Jeannine and Joel for letting me capture this time in her life.
Congratulations Taylor and Good Luck!!!

December 21, 2009

Little Miss Lexi

Alexis was three months old at the time we did her Christmas photos. She was definitely smiley and in a sweet mood. Her pictures show it. In just a few months she has grown and was ready to play with the camera.

one of my favorites!

you want more from me?...ok

ready for smiles

such a pretty dress on her

she did such a great job keeping her head up and posing

mommy making her laugh again

how pretty we are

more giggles!

She was such a pleasure to take pictures of. The older she gets, the more expressions I'm able to capture. What a joy to see! Thanks Heidi and Gus for working with me. And thank you sweet Lexi for letting me capture another milestone.

Have a wonderful First Christmas little one!!

December 16, 2009

The Salvador Family

My little sister, Michelle, and her husband Omar have the cutest little ones around. It was a family photo shoot done in their home and I had the privilege of capturing them for their Christmas card.

they love their mom!

tough audience at times to get a smile...tough audience :)

Jake looks so mature already

the boys with their dad

mommy's little girl...for sure!

and daddy's too

a beautiful family

little miss cara's photo shoot


what a fun smile!!

Thanks for letting me take pictures of you guys! I love you all!

December 12, 2009

My Girls and a Christmas Wish!

I can't believe how fast time flies when you look at your children. Yes, having children is a real commitment. One you don't think about how long it really is but, nonetheless, a lifetime's worth.
My girls are the reason I wanted to do photography in the first place. I love taking their pictures and love being the one to capture their true beauty and spirit. I adore my girls (although some days you can't really tell because I'm always yelling somehow) and want the best for them. What parent doesn't right? Well, it's hard to look past all the material things you want to provide for your child these days and really focus on what matters to them...you. If you can give your child the unconditional love and support they need paired with discipline, then your on your way to giving them their needs all with the blessings of God.

Mikayla Jane, age 5, and Madeline Therese, age 10

Maddie's always been my mature, super smart little girl. I love her kindness, sweet nature, and love for books and soccer. She looks like me but acts more like Mike.

Mikayla's always been my little spit-fire girl. I love her sense of humor, strong mind, and determination. Don't get me wrong, she's tough but very sweet too. She looks like Mike but acts more like me (5 times more though...haha).

For them, I wish they have a beautiful Christmas filled with great memories with family and friends. I hope they continue to be sweet and loving girls, thankful for what the already have in life but continue to strive to be the best person they can be with all the gifts and talents God has given them.
So, from our family to yours,

December 7, 2009

Bryson...all ready for Christmas!

Shelley and Brent's little boy, Bryson, couldn't be any cuter than this. I had the pleasure of taking his pictures again and this time I really had to catch up to him. His little toddler body was at a constant motion and ready for some serious fun. He has such an easy going smile that warms your heart the second you see him. But I must say, that when this toddler grows up he will easily break little girls hearts.
All ready for Christmas!
a serious thinker

how sweet

he looks like he's gonna do something tricky

handsome boy

are you teasing me?

no wonder mom and dad love me so much...I'm just too cute!
Thanks Brent, Shelley, and Bryson for inviting me into your home. May you have a wonderful Holiday Season!!