December 7, 2009

Bryson...all ready for Christmas!

Shelley and Brent's little boy, Bryson, couldn't be any cuter than this. I had the pleasure of taking his pictures again and this time I really had to catch up to him. His little toddler body was at a constant motion and ready for some serious fun. He has such an easy going smile that warms your heart the second you see him. But I must say, that when this toddler grows up he will easily break little girls hearts.
All ready for Christmas!
a serious thinker

how sweet

he looks like he's gonna do something tricky

handsome boy

are you teasing me?

no wonder mom and dad love me so much...I'm just too cute!
Thanks Brent, Shelley, and Bryson for inviting me into your home. May you have a wonderful Holiday Season!!

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