October 22, 2008


It's hard to believe that I have lived in the Chicagoland area all my life and have never really vacationed in Michigan or even explored it. Little did I know that it's such a beautiful scenic state just a hop and a skip away. We decided to drive up for an overnight stay and explore for two days. Our first stop was Redemaks Restaurant in New Buffalo. It was highly recommended by a very good friend of mine who is a Michigan native. They serve one of the best burgers I've tasted. The menu has a lot to offer but they are best known for their delicious hamburgers. I do think everyone has to stop by and try this one out!

Our main destination was South Haven. We were lucky enough to catch the Fall Harvest Sweets and Cider Celebration. It was a lot of fun to walk down the streets in their downtown area and sample the sweet apple cider and treats each shop owner had to offer while window shopping. All the stores were very cute boutique and specialty shops. But the only thing my kids wanted to do was try every treat that came their way!

As you can see, it had one of the most beautiful sunsets I've seen in a long time. If you think about it, aside from being in the west coast, it's the only sunset over water you'll see in the midwest. It took my breath away. And my kids loved the beach and played in it like it was daytime.

And the next morning, we drove to Saugatuck. The drive throughout Michigan was absolutely beautiful. It seemed that every fall color came to life with it's vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. It was something out of a picture book.

strolling through the downtown shops and restaurants of Saugatuck...they were all very charming and busy with lots of tourists

Maddie chillin on some lounges outside the shops

of course you can't overlook the water

Mikayla posing for us in her goofy way!

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