October 29, 2008

Michigan...part two

Maddie wanted to go apple picking the next day so badly that the minute she woke up she couldn't stop asking. So what did we do? We made her wait until we finished our Saugatuck sight-seeing tour :) Then we headed off to "Big Dan's U-Pick'em Farm and Orchard." Now mind you, Mike just found this place on the internet and decided to make it THE place to pick apples. So we kept driving through corn fields until we reached it. Luckily, it turned out to be a great place. It was a fairly large orchard that grew various kinds of apples from Red Delicious, Gala, Fuji, Ida Red, Johnathan, and so on and so on. They even had a peach orchard and pumpkin patch.

It was very cool that they drove us to the specific apple tree by means of a tractor hayride.

Remember the old days when we had to use a ladder to get the apples? Well, things have changed since I was a little girl. Or was it because I was little at the time? Anyway, the girls had a blast picking them right off the trees without any help.

But the little one still needed some help.

Mikayla taking a break from the hot weather that day?

Warrens Dunes State Park Michigan

After the orchard, on our way home we stopped at the Warren Dunes State Park. The road access to the beach area was closed so we had to walk. Well, we parked right under this large sand dune and decided to climb over it to get to the beach. I tell you that this thing you are looking at is actually much steeper than it looks. And between laughing so hard and crying, because it was sooo much harder to climb it than we thought, I seriously thought I wasn't going to make it. My kids however must have had enough sugar to pull them through because they didn't have half as difficult a time as I did.

And this is the beautiful scenery you get after you make over that hill o' fun.

More playtime in the sand was how we ended our wonderful trip. And that's how my kids wanted it to be.

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